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recovery tool中文是什么意思

用"recovery tool"造句"recovery tool"怎么读"recovery tool" in a sentence


  • 打捞工具


  • Bootable antivirus recovery tools for windows server workstation
  • And the 12 steps are a recovery tool that recovery centers and people have used for centuries
  • Bootable antivirus recovery tools cd bart cd is a breakthrough in the field of administration tools
    Bootable杀毒修复工具cd bart cd是管理工具领域的一个突破
  • Thus , you can use your favorite recovery tool to restore deleted files or formatted partitions directly from bart cd
    因此,您可以直接在bart cd上使用您喜欢的复原工具重储被删除的文件或者被格式化的分区
  • Remember that nearly everything on a system refers back to those same few shared libraries , so if you break one of the system s core shared libraries , you re going to get to play with some kind of system recovery tool
用"recovery tool"造句  
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